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Every Breath You Take-ACIM Review III-Lesson #118

God’s peace and joy are mine./Let me be still and listen to the truth.

Have you ever just sat in nature? Or with your breath? Even at your desk for hot minute? Absorbing the moment. Letting go of your worries. Your cares. Your fears…

Take one right now. Go ahead.

I’ll wait.

Close your eyes and take one big deep breath in, pause at the top-then out. Pause again.

Brilliant right??

Why don’t I do this more often?

Because the world calls Estelle. I have work…And chores…And (may be projecting here) CATS to take care of. I don’t have time for breaths.

Well guess what? We do it all the time. So why not make it intentional? Purposeful even.

Today Lesson 118 invites us to experience Source’s ultimate Joy Juice-Peace and Stillness. It promises that if we take the time-even if it’s just a moment. Even one tiny breath in awareness, we can exchange our worries for happiness.

There is power in the stillness my friends. Whatever time we have to give-it returns to us infinite blessings of Joy. Peace. Connection. And understanding. Even more amazing-when we take the time to quiet our monkey-mind…We hear the mighty Voice of the Truth of who we are. Speaking out in love and adoration. Not for the person we wish to be. But in admiration for All you are right now-Perfection in motion. Magnificent peace.

Lesson 118 will continue to remind you that you are perfect peace my dear friends. And your still small voice is ready to be heard. To take you to your next great expression of the life you were born to live. Listen to the call. Hear the whisper. You were made for greatness. It is waiting for you in the silence.

Namaste LightWorker!

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